姓 名 | 林雅宁 | 性别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1981年5月 | |
学历/学位 | 博士研究生 | 职称/职务 | 副教授 | 电子邮箱 | yaning_lin@163.com | |
研究方向 | 随机系统的多目标优化控制 | |||||
代表性 论著 | 1. Lin, Yaning,Zhang, Tianliang,Zhang, Weihai,Pareto-based guaranteed cost control of the uncertain mean-field stochastic systems in infinite horizon,Automatica,92:197-209 (2018). 2. Lin, Yaning,Jiang, Xiushan,Zhang, Weihai,Necessary and sufficient conditions for Pareto optimality of the stochastic systems in finite horizon,Automatica,94:341-348 (2018). 3. Lin, Yaning,Jiang, Xiushan,Zhang, Weihai,An open-loop Stackelberg strategy for the linear quadratic mean-field stochastic differential game,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,64(1):97-110 (2019). 4. Lin, Yaning,Necessary/sufficient conditions for Pareto optimality in finite horizon mean-field type stochastic differential game,Automatica,119:108951 (2020). 5. Lin, Yaning,Zhang, Tianliang,Zhang, Weihai,Infinite horizon linear quadratic Pareto game of the stochastic singular systems,Journal of the Franklin Institute,355(10):4436-4452 (2018). 6. Lin, Yaning,Feedback Stackelberg strategies for the discrete-time mean-field stochastic systems in infinite horizon,Journal of the Franklin Institute,356(10):5222-5239 (2019). 7. Lin, Yaning,Linear quadratic Pareto game of the stochastic systems in infinite horizon,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,183(2):671-687 (2019). 8. Lin, Yaning,Pareto optimality in the infinite horizon cooperative difference game,IET Control Theory and Applications,14(3):386-395 (2020). 9. Lin, Yaning,Linear quadratic open-loop Stackelberg game for stochastic systems with Poisson jumps,Journal of the Franklin Institute,358(10):5262-5280 (2021). 10. Lin, Yaning,Zhang, Weihai,Pareto efficiency in the infinite horizon mean-field type cooperative stochastic differential game,Journal of the Franklin Institute,358(10):5532-5551 (2021).
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科研项目 | 1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61903234,带泊松跳跃随机微分博弈中Pareto策略与Stackelberg策略研究,2020.01至2022.12,主持 2、山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2019MF008,几类随机差分博弈中Pareto最优性的研究,2019.07至2022.06,主持 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目,61573227,混合H2/H∞控制和滤波:仿射非线性离散随机系统,2016.01至2019.12,参与 4、山东省青年创新团队,2019KJI013,大规模非凸结构优化问题的理论与算法研究,2019.01至2021.12,参与
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科研奖励 | 1、2019年山东省优秀博士学位论文,林雅宁(1/1),2019.11 | |||||
荣誉称号 | 1、565net必赢最新版高层次人才“双百工程”第三层次,2021.08 | |||||
学术兼职 |
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